Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Future Changes Everything

A better future is worth fighting for. What is in store for us in the future? Nobody knows, that is why we have to fight to make sure our future is good rather than bad. There are many things we can do to make our future a better place for everyone. One of these is children.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan
To achieve a better future we must fight for and protect children. We have to do this because us children will create the future of society but if no one fights for us and leads us down the right path, then the future will probably be terrible. We also have to be educated. If we are not educated, then when you adults are gone and our generation is in charge, then we will not know how to continue on in the best possible way. However, we might not even be able to survive without a healthy ecosystem.

To achieve a better future, we must fight for and protect the ecosystem. In this world, we are destroying what is keeping us alive faster than it can rebuild itself. This is putting our future at risk because if we destroy the ecosystem, then all the animals who live in the forests that we have destroyed would just simply die off and we would have nothing to eat and live off of. If we do not stop destroying the ecosystems, then many animals would go extinct, including us. Without some animal species that other species of animals might live off of, those would also go extinct, then the animals that lived off of them would go extinct and the cycle would continue forever until nothing is left. However our future could still be a disaster before the ecosystem collapses.

To achieve a better future, we must fight to stop war. In Iraq, over half a million people died in just one war. That is more deaths than any natural disaster has ever caused and if we could just stop then a better future could be achievable. Why do people even have wars when you could just settle it politically? If we could just settle wars in a civilized meeting, then we could start to spend the trillions of dollars spent on war on better things (like the UNMDG's). Then we could achieve a better future for us and the millions starving all over the world.

A better future is needed and we need to fight for it. If we do not get a better future then the world's ecosystems could collapse and we might even just destroy ourselves with war and hate. If we could do all that we can to make the future better, then we could accomplish so much in this world. We could save the ecosystem, stop war and help all those in need. This is why we should fight for a better future.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's All Up To You

I believe that cures are worth fighting for. If we could find a cure to cancer, malaria and any other decease that we have no cure for yet, then millions of lives would still be alive and there would be no more headings in the newspaper saying that Thousands die in with malaria in africa. Our world would be much better and would be safe from deceases that we can not cure. Family members wouldn't be dyeing because of some decease with a unknown cure. With a cure to these deceases then this world would be a better place.

"Even though I'm not running anymore, we still have to try to find a cure for cancer. Other people should go ahead and try to do their own thing now." Terry Fox
Terry is right about how people should do something for cancer research, and people are. Only there are not enough. People think that someone else will do something about it and then that someone thinks that someone else will do something about it and it just goes on and on. In fact there are probably only a few who are smart enough to take charge and do something in this world, like Terry Fox did. If we can start taking charge of our lives and save others, then we will get somewhere and life will be a lot happier for everyone.

"AIDS and malaria and TB are national security issues. A worldwide program to get a start on dealing with these issues would cost about $25 billion... It's, what, a few months in Iraq." Jared Diamond
Why are we spending so much money on war when we could be using it for better? Diamond is right when he says that the money spent on a few months in Iraq could change the whole world for the better. Why do we even need war when we could just settle it over a meeting? If the US never went to war since 2001, then we would have over $1,282,600,000,000 to use to fight deceases around the world. Imagine how much we could have accomplished with this kind of money, let alone if we had the money of all the countries in the world's money used for war. If this could have happened, then we would probably have cures to all of these deceases which are killing millions every day.

We need cures to deceases in this world and this will not happen unless we can get enough money to get the research for them. And people aren't helping by squandering their own money on unnecessary things and are not doing anything to help others. If we could just think about others slightly more, and cut back on a few unnecessary things, then this world could be a much better place. This is why I believe that cures are worth fighting for.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Scale Of Life

Equality is worth fighting for. My dad always says that "the rich just get richer, and the poor get poorer.". This is reality because people who are poor cant afford to send their kids to school. If they are not educated then they cant have a good paying job. If they dont have a good paying job then they wont be able to afford medical care and will die of very minor diseases such as stomach pains and the flu. If this cycle is broken then they cold have happier and healthier lifestyles, and we wont hear about how thousands of people are dyeing of aids and how they could not afford the treatment for it. Equality would make this world a better place.

"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven" - Yiddish Proverb. Proverb is right about how everyone is build the same way but some have the luck of being in a rich family. We are all just one big family. The only difference is some people get more pocket money than others and this is not fair. Sometimes on TV you see some celebrity who has donated about 10 thousand dollars to charity. This is a lot of money, however if the chosen charity has 10 thousand people that need to be given food or a treatment to decease, that would only be about 1 dollar per person. Plus, they will probably only do that about once every year or so. Not much money now right? The celebrity also probably makes about ten times that amount every few weeks. This is why the "family members" who are richer, should give an equal amount of their "pocket money" every day to the unlucky people who are caught in the cycle of poverty. Or else those people who are poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer and that is not equality.

"The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him." (unknown author). It is not only that (last paragraph) which is un equal. Women are not being treated in a equal manner ether. My aunt is the leader of women's rights in the United Nations and she says that women do not get payed as much as men. Peace keepers who are so posed to rescue people from war zones, only rescue the men and leave the women behind. They should be saved too, but they don't. I don't know why but this happens, and it is not fair. As stated it the quote above, women are made to be equal to men, not getting crushed beneath our feet.

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." Martin Luther King Jr. He is right when he said that the truth is that everyone is the same, the only difference is that we have been separated with greed. In this case, it is the white people of the US. They think that the black people will hurt their children simply because they are poorer and live in the cites slums. Watching the rich white people prance around must have been really frustrating for them. When they became angry, they started to commit crimes and then white people started fearing them. Why cant they just get that if they had shared equal amounts of their money with them, then they would not be committing all those crimes in the first place.

This is why we should have a equal world. Its not that hard. Just respect others, give equal amounts of money to the poor and this could be a more equal world. If you dont do theise simple things, the who will. You have to start the change. This is why I believe that equality is worth fighting for.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A World Of Peace

A World Of Peace

A world of peace would be ones dream,

where greed is scorn, and joy is free,

where the soul is happy,

and where war hangs its head,

where races are free,

and where bounties are shared,

where aggression isn't challenged but treated with care,

until the fire within dies down and goes out,

so it doesn't spread to more about,

so it doesn't have to be chopped down as the forest once was,

oh I dream, I dream of a world of peace,

for a world of peace would be ones dream

My poem is a found poem which includes words and phrases form the poems "totally like whatever, you know?" and (need). My poem expresses my picture of what a world of peace would be like and how aggression and revenge isn't the answer to a happy lifestyle. Also how you cant just punish someone who is aggressive. You have to clam them down slowly until their rage comes to an end. Greed is the start of hunger and poverty and that start anger. When someone is angry they will become very aggressive. The aggressive person will then want to rid themselves of that pain, by giving it to someone else. That is how fights start. So if this world was rid of greed, and aggression was treated with care, then this world would be one of peace.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Worthless War

Peace is worth living for. When you fight, you start a battle, and that will grow into to a war. "In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons." Herodotus. When a war ends, It leaves poverty and hunger. You might ask yourself, "Isn't the UN trying to stop poverty and hunger.". Yes they are, But they could have eliminated it years ago, if the US never fought with Iraq (which costed them a total of over 798 trillion USD so far).

All those terrorist bombings are because the US attacked Iraq, leaving them angry and wanting revenge. One example of their revenge was the 911 terrorist attack which killed hundreds of people. That was revenge for something that the US did to them. What about all those acts of terrorism that the US set apon Iraq? What if they killed thousands of people without us knowing? Why don't we have a massive memorial ceremony for them too? Why don't we care?

"Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both." - Abraham Flexner. I think that we should have civilization over war because peace would come without war and there would be no terrorist bombings like there would if you chose the path of war (which we are starting to go down). Cant you imagine that in the future, you would mention the word war and your kids ask what it is? Cant you imagine living in a place where you wouldn't have to worry about thugs and muggers while walking down a dark alley? This is what the path of civilization would look like. Peaceful and protected.

Some people believe that peace is worth fighting for, and freedom is worth fighting for. I disagree because you don't get peace from fighting, you get it from not starting fights. If those fights don't start in the first place, then peace and freedom will thrive in our planet. If you fight for peace or freedom, then you will just create more fights, which will eventually erupt into a war. This is why peace is worth living.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


"All my writing is about the recognition that there is no single reality. But the beauty of it is that you nevertheless go on, walking towards utopia, which may not exist, on a bridge which might end before you reach the other side."
Marguerite Young

In a utopia, there is no future or past; there is nothing to desire or hate. There is only here and now. Age does not matter. There are no secrets, therefore no greed and no longing to know. Money is the cause of inequality, starvation, labor, war, greed, death and crime; so none exists. Food is evenly distributed with no one counted out. Utilities, only existing if needed and recreation is fair and everyone is included. Racism and bullying is eliminated, and everyone lives in peace.

If I could change this world, the two things I would eliminate are desire and hatred. I would do this because hatred fulles war, crime, murder, etc, and it spreads faster than any known decease. Desire gives hatred reason and causes greed, war, crime, murder, and so on. To do this, any forum of currency would be stopped; therefore there would be no greed, and greed causes war, injustice, poverty, crime, labor, etc. No secrets would exist and knowledge would be shared among all who wish to know. Therefore stoping war, death, injustice, greed, desire and hate. Peace would be held as Albert Einstein said, "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.".

Sunday, May 29, 2011

This I belive

I believe that babies should be cared for. Every year millions of babies die because they don’t get vaccinated against deadly diseases. People should have the right to ensure a safe delivery in a good hospital with many trained doctors who have the right medication and vaccinations for the newborn baby.

My sister is 1 month old and I love her a lot. She was born in a hospital with lots of doctors and nurses. She is very lucky that our family has enough money to pay for all the hospital bills. However other families are not as lucky as ours and can’t afford to go to a good hospital. They might have to give birth in an unclean hospital with doctors who are under trained and who don’t have the right vaccinations that babies need. The babies could die of a disease that the right vaccinations would have prevented, or they might put something in their mouth that is unclean, which would make them extremely sick because their immune system would be too weak to even kill the slightest bit of dirt.

I think you should be able to get the right medicine for babies poor or rich. Every town should have a hospital with trained doctors and a large supply of treatments and vaccinations. I hope that there will be a time when every baby gets all the help and care they need. Babies should be cared for, just like my sister. No baby should be left alone to die as many do.

Babies need help. They can’t walk or talk and they can’t take care of themselves and need somebody who cares for them. Babies must be given medicine and a family that cares for them. Babies are the most important things in our world yet people would rather buy something useless than donate that money to a family that could use it to save their baby.

I believe babies should be cared for. After all, they might end up taking care of you in the future. So why not help them? Don’t just stand and watch when you can do something about it!