nov. 30
Its racism that is dropping bombs around the world
Eboo Patel talks about how religious diversity is what we should be talking about, not racism. After all, isn't it religion that is dropping bombs around the world.
I think that Patel is right about how you shouldn't hate others for what they believe in. Even (in Patel's case) if you have a Jewish friend who is being bullied, you shouldn't just stand and watch him cry for help. You should help them. You should tell the bully that its not ok to hurt someone for their beliefs. All over the world, people are killing others because of the fact that they believe in something else. This all could stop if somebody tells them that they are not doing the right thing.
I think that Patel relates to Aung San Suu Kyi because they both fight verbally to stop others from fighting physically because of beliefs. Patel wants to bring religious wars to peace and Aung San Suu Kyi wants to bring democracy to Burma and stopping/making peace with the military government. I also think that Patel relates to The Blokes because Hashim Is both Muslim and not from Britain. So is Patel. Hashim has stopped the ruthless raciest group who call themselves The Blokes and I think that Patel will also someday, bring peace to many countries of the world.
When I was very young, I used to think that black people are crazy and that I shouldn't ever be near a black person. In fact, I was scared that one would shoot me because I had heard about many black people that have killed people. Now I have changed very much and I can accept black people as normal people, I even have many black friends now. I know that my personal connection isn't about religion, but it still shows how I people react to a difference.
In this picture, there is one head with many religious symbols in it and also has many other faces praying. I chose this picture because to me it shows how we could be and how we could just accept every ones beliefs and how we shouldn't hate other beliefs. It also shows that we shouldn't exclude other religions because it is like ripping out part of your brain and if you were the person in the picture, you would literally be ripping out part of your brain.
nov. 30
God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.
Guernica, was a small town that was bombed and was destroyed. Picasso made a painting of it and showed how the people had suffered.
In the picture I see many people dead and suffering, crying over dead babies or others. This reminds me of Fatmire Feka because her village was destroyed. This also reminds me of when the Nazis invaded Paris, leaving much death and destruction in the great city.
Sometimes I feel like what Picasso describes in the painting. Dark, gloomy, sad, destroyed and shut down. This is what the picture says to me and sometimes I feel that way. In fact, everyone has probably felt that way; like you have nobody to turn to, almost like you are in a world where everyone hates you.
nov. 29
The New Way Of Rioting
In Burma, hip-hop has started as a new way of rioting. They are making an attempt bring change to Burma.
I think that this is a good way of fighting the government because by doing something that other countries take for granted, it will test the government to its unlimited level and is almost impossible to fight.
To me, music makes me feel free. I think that this may be what the Burmese people feel when there is a hip-hop concert and I think that for those few minutes when the music blares and when People on stage are dancing and singing into the microphone, they feel free from their government and feel that they can do whatever they want for a short while.
This picture that I chose is from Eva Gorski. It is about a dancing ribbon that is very bright and radiant compared to the other background ribbons. I chose this picture because if you look closely, you can almost see a person dancing and waving their arms around. This shows what the Burmese people might feel when they dance to the hip-hop music because since the ribbon is very bright and radiant, that must be what they feel inside.
nov. 12
The Journey to forgiveness
As a 11 year old, her village (Kosova) was attacked and she fled to the forrest for 3 weeks. She later finds out that her brother and sister were missing. Afterwards she founds the Kids For Peace club and is recognized as one of the 1000 women of peace. She still finds that she cant forgive the perpetrators though, because she doesn't know what has happened to her brother and sister and doesn't know who to forgive.
I think that she is a hero because she fight for what she believes in (peace) and wont give up. She relates to Hashim from The Blokes because when their heart gets crushed, they just put it back together. I also think that she realities to Jesus Colon because they are both faced with a problem and both have a life changing thing happen to them that changes them for the better.
Feka says that forgiveness is not a word to be thrown around. I have thrown this word around, but now that I look back, more than half of the times I used it, I never really ment it.