Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Future Changes Everything

A better future is worth fighting for. What is in store for us in the future? Nobody knows, that is why we have to fight to make sure our future is good rather than bad. There are many things we can do to make our future a better place for everyone. One of these is children.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan
To achieve a better future we must fight for and protect children. We have to do this because us children will create the future of society but if no one fights for us and leads us down the right path, then the future will probably be terrible. We also have to be educated. If we are not educated, then when you adults are gone and our generation is in charge, then we will not know how to continue on in the best possible way. However, we might not even be able to survive without a healthy ecosystem.

To achieve a better future, we must fight for and protect the ecosystem. In this world, we are destroying what is keeping us alive faster than it can rebuild itself. This is putting our future at risk because if we destroy the ecosystem, then all the animals who live in the forests that we have destroyed would just simply die off and we would have nothing to eat and live off of. If we do not stop destroying the ecosystems, then many animals would go extinct, including us. Without some animal species that other species of animals might live off of, those would also go extinct, then the animals that lived off of them would go extinct and the cycle would continue forever until nothing is left. However our future could still be a disaster before the ecosystem collapses.

To achieve a better future, we must fight to stop war. In Iraq, over half a million people died in just one war. That is more deaths than any natural disaster has ever caused and if we could just stop then a better future could be achievable. Why do people even have wars when you could just settle it politically? If we could just settle wars in a civilized meeting, then we could start to spend the trillions of dollars spent on war on better things (like the UNMDG's). Then we could achieve a better future for us and the millions starving all over the world.

A better future is needed and we need to fight for it. If we do not get a better future then the world's ecosystems could collapse and we might even just destroy ourselves with war and hate. If we could do all that we can to make the future better, then we could accomplish so much in this world. We could save the ecosystem, stop war and help all those in need. This is why we should fight for a better future.


  1. I love the idea of educating the younger generations in ways that will benefit our future. Who will lead them and what will become of our world if we don't? Most wars aren't going to help them, only decrease their numbers. Each and every child deserves a bright and hopeful future, not just the rich, good-looking or popular. Another thing to consider is that many children and teens in developing countries don't have the same chances as those who live in middle-class or upper-class families. They get brushed by just because of their class or color, neither of which should matter, although I do disagree with your point that wars are bad. Some wars, like the war in Iraq, are pointless, but others, such as the wat against the Nazis, are good because of the nature of why they are fighting. In fact, they were fighting for the liberation of the Jewish people, with made them have a better future. All in all, this is a very thought-provoking blog that is very well written and should be listened to.

    1. I think that you have a point when you are saying that some wars are good and some are bad but I do not agree. If there was no WW1 in the first place then there would not be a WW2 and none of that would have happend. The only reason that there was a WW2 was because WW1 angered the Germans because of their loss and there currency crash. The only reason that they targeted the Jew's was because they wanted to take out their anger on the minority. So basically if nobody started WW1, and just settled it in a meeting as I suggested, then there would have been no holocaust in the first place.
