Monday, September 5, 2011

Worthless War

Peace is worth living for. When you fight, you start a battle, and that will grow into to a war. "In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons." Herodotus. When a war ends, It leaves poverty and hunger. You might ask yourself, "Isn't the UN trying to stop poverty and hunger.". Yes they are, But they could have eliminated it years ago, if the US never fought with Iraq (which costed them a total of over 798 trillion USD so far).

All those terrorist bombings are because the US attacked Iraq, leaving them angry and wanting revenge. One example of their revenge was the 911 terrorist attack which killed hundreds of people. That was revenge for something that the US did to them. What about all those acts of terrorism that the US set apon Iraq? What if they killed thousands of people without us knowing? Why don't we have a massive memorial ceremony for them too? Why don't we care?

"Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both." - Abraham Flexner. I think that we should have civilization over war because peace would come without war and there would be no terrorist bombings like there would if you chose the path of war (which we are starting to go down). Cant you imagine that in the future, you would mention the word war and your kids ask what it is? Cant you imagine living in a place where you wouldn't have to worry about thugs and muggers while walking down a dark alley? This is what the path of civilization would look like. Peaceful and protected.

Some people believe that peace is worth fighting for, and freedom is worth fighting for. I disagree because you don't get peace from fighting, you get it from not starting fights. If those fights don't start in the first place, then peace and freedom will thrive in our planet. If you fight for peace or freedom, then you will just create more fights, which will eventually erupt into a war. This is why peace is worth living.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog post and your blog post made me think about how nothing is really worth fighting for. Like you said, if you start a fight, it will grow and become something that you can't stop. I agree that fighting isn't right. However, it made me think, if you don't fight for anything, will you be able to make the world a better place? I think you need to fight for something meaningful. If you don't fight for anything, nothing will change and you won't be able to have a better life. So I agree that fighting for something meaningless shouldn't be done but I also think you should be able to fight for something you believe in and say what you have to say. For example, people in history have fought for human rights or equal rights and that made people who are living now have a better life. So I think things that can make the world a better place might be worth fighting for.
