Thursday, August 25, 2011


"All my writing is about the recognition that there is no single reality. But the beauty of it is that you nevertheless go on, walking towards utopia, which may not exist, on a bridge which might end before you reach the other side."
Marguerite Young

In a utopia, there is no future or past; there is nothing to desire or hate. There is only here and now. Age does not matter. There are no secrets, therefore no greed and no longing to know. Money is the cause of inequality, starvation, labor, war, greed, death and crime; so none exists. Food is evenly distributed with no one counted out. Utilities, only existing if needed and recreation is fair and everyone is included. Racism and bullying is eliminated, and everyone lives in peace.

If I could change this world, the two things I would eliminate are desire and hatred. I would do this because hatred fulles war, crime, murder, etc, and it spreads faster than any known decease. Desire gives hatred reason and causes greed, war, crime, murder, and so on. To do this, any forum of currency would be stopped; therefore there would be no greed, and greed causes war, injustice, poverty, crime, labor, etc. No secrets would exist and knowledge would be shared among all who wish to know. Therefore stoping war, death, injustice, greed, desire and hate. Peace would be held as Albert Einstein said, "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.".

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