Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Scale Of Life

Equality is worth fighting for. My dad always says that "the rich just get richer, and the poor get poorer.". This is reality because people who are poor cant afford to send their kids to school. If they are not educated then they cant have a good paying job. If they dont have a good paying job then they wont be able to afford medical care and will die of very minor diseases such as stomach pains and the flu. If this cycle is broken then they cold have happier and healthier lifestyles, and we wont hear about how thousands of people are dyeing of aids and how they could not afford the treatment for it. Equality would make this world a better place.

"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven" - Yiddish Proverb. Proverb is right about how everyone is build the same way but some have the luck of being in a rich family. We are all just one big family. The only difference is some people get more pocket money than others and this is not fair. Sometimes on TV you see some celebrity who has donated about 10 thousand dollars to charity. This is a lot of money, however if the chosen charity has 10 thousand people that need to be given food or a treatment to decease, that would only be about 1 dollar per person. Plus, they will probably only do that about once every year or so. Not much money now right? The celebrity also probably makes about ten times that amount every few weeks. This is why the "family members" who are richer, should give an equal amount of their "pocket money" every day to the unlucky people who are caught in the cycle of poverty. Or else those people who are poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer and that is not equality.

"The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him." (unknown author). It is not only that (last paragraph) which is un equal. Women are not being treated in a equal manner ether. My aunt is the leader of women's rights in the United Nations and she says that women do not get payed as much as men. Peace keepers who are so posed to rescue people from war zones, only rescue the men and leave the women behind. They should be saved too, but they don't. I don't know why but this happens, and it is not fair. As stated it the quote above, women are made to be equal to men, not getting crushed beneath our feet.

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." Martin Luther King Jr. He is right when he said that the truth is that everyone is the same, the only difference is that we have been separated with greed. In this case, it is the white people of the US. They think that the black people will hurt their children simply because they are poorer and live in the cites slums. Watching the rich white people prance around must have been really frustrating for them. When they became angry, they started to commit crimes and then white people started fearing them. Why cant they just get that if they had shared equal amounts of their money with them, then they would not be committing all those crimes in the first place.

This is why we should have a equal world. Its not that hard. Just respect others, give equal amounts of money to the poor and this could be a more equal world. If you dont do theise simple things, the who will. You have to start the change. This is why I believe that equality is worth fighting for.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your giving a few to many details in the intro so you don't have much more to write about in the first paragraph, that's why you kinda changed the subject a little, your not staying on the subject of "The scale of life". But I think it's cool how you started the paragraphs with qoutes. But once again the qoutes are kinda off topic. Otherwise nicely done, no grammar mistakes! :P
