Monday, January 24, 2011


Kristallnacht or night of the broken glass happened in 1938. 1,668 synagogs were burnt down by Nazi soldiers. Many jew-owed stores and companies were destroyed and about 100 jews died that night. Afterwards, Hitler blamed it on the jews and said they had to pay 1 billion marks for the damage that they didn't cause.
Propaganda was believed to be one of the reasons that triggers. these showed Germans strong and powerful and showed Jews as fat rich people. Soon any jew who tried to fight back was sent to a concentration camp. They were forced to leave Germany. However, they were rejected from all bordering countries and the other countries would only let the fewest amount of Jews in.
Many Aaren Germans had a hard time deciding whether or not to take part in Kristallnacht or not. Some took part, some left Germany and most just ignored it, and thought that the Jews deserved it.
When I learned about Kristallnacht, my first thoughts was 'Why?'. Why did the Jews deserve this? Why didn't anybody stand up? Why did people even join in? These are only a few questions that I had about Kristallnacht.
I chose this picture because it is a world war two propaganda poster. It shows how Hitler was seen as a god. This scares me because it shows how much people loved him and how many followed him.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Is For Awesome

Since I am an A profile learner, I am both a visual and verbal learner. When I am stressed, I lose patience with everything and I try very hard and I won't understand questions, I will not get any answers and I will lose all enjoyment of anything. Since my dominant hemisphere controls all my dominant body parts, I can learn in any way, even when I am stressed.
One of the only ways to reconnect my two hemispheres is to have somebody sit down and talk to me until I am no longer stressed. Unlike other profiles, it is nearly impossible to reconnect my two hemispheres by myself.
I learn best doing a variety of different learning strategies. Some of the best ones are like watching a movie, doing a skit, and brainstorming. It is easiest to learn when I do activities in small groups.
It can be hard for me to be able to connect to others socially and emotionally. It is hard for me to agree upon others ideas, however it is much easier for me to back up my ideas than other people can.
I chose this picture because it shows how it is hard for me to understand questions and other peoples ideas when I am stressed. This also shows how it is hard for me to know what to say in a conversation.