I think that she will never give up in the fight of democracy because the Burma's military rulers only put her in house arrest to try to shut her up (to stop fighting for democracy) but all the way though out all the 21 years she spent in house arrest and even now, that she is released, she still fights for democracy. I think that she relates to Fatmire Feka because they fight for what they believe in. Even after a group of people come and attempt to crush their souls and what drives them to be leaders, they both have come though, alive and even stronger than before.
Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. Bruce Barton
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Freedom From Fear
Aung San Suu Kyi has been finally released from home imprisonment and is reunited with her family. Although she is free, she considers herself lucky because many others have been jailed for much longer than she has. She still fights for democracy and wont stop in the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Domino Effect

Monday, September 27, 2010
4 Letter Word Story 'Death Of Animal'
from cats view
This was a writing exercise coming from John Marsden
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How Do I Describe My Life In 10 Items? Heres How.

My second item is a bottle of coke because it is my favorite drink. I got this special bottle for Christmas last year. This is important to me because coke has been my favorite drink since I was 4 years old. I can't remember a time when I didn't like coke. When I was younger I remember that I went to cokeacola.com. Many drinks come and go like sprite, or root beer. I used to love sprite but now I don't like it and I used to hate root beer but now it tastes good. I have always liked coke so I think that is the better one compared to other drinks.
My third item is a hockey puck because I am Canadian and I like playing all types of hockey. I like to watch The Stanley Cup and I support Vancouver Canucks hockey team. This hockey puck is signed by the top scorer for the 2008 winning team for the Stanley cup. I like this puck and I will keep it, but not use it. I first started ice hockey when I was 6. I was good at skating and good at shooting and controlling the puck but I was bad at stealing it from others. once we had a tournament and I was on The Twisters. I had to play goalie and our team came second. I only let one goal in and that was when we played the winning team. There striker was really good and nobody could block him.
My forth item is a Rubik cube because I use it when I am bored. I have never completed it but I have gotten very close. I always try to finish it by using the instructions but somehow I still can't do it. I watch the pros but I can never figure out what they are doing. I got this for my birthday 2 years ago. Some people solve it for me but I just mess it up again.
My fifth item is a ball because I like to play catch and many sports that use a ball. Some sports I like that use a ball are basketball, soccer, and tennis. The ball I use in this picture is a tennis ball because that is the most multi-purpose ball. You can use it for catch, tennis, soccer, basketball, softball, and hockey. I remember that I used to play soccer for little league when I was in elementary school. I used to love to be mid-field because I could do whatever I wanted. Many people think that sports are just boring but actually sports are a way of life. In fact you make most of your friends and enemies during sports. If somebody never passes the ball to you then you will instantly pin them as a gerk and that's also how they act in real life. If somebody passes to you all the time or trys to make space for you then they are really nice people. Sports revile what kind of person you actually are. You can't hide any thing from sports and that's how I know if I really should be friends with someone or not.
My sixth item is a ipod touch because I like playing video games. I play them whenever I have time. Video games are a habit of mine for whenever I am bored I instantly resort to video games instead of finishing homework and when I do homework I am always on an edge for playing video games. My favorite games are currently Cartoon Wars, which is a game that you send out units to kill the opposing units and the first one to destroy the others castle wins. All of the units are, warrior, veteran warrior, ninja, veteran ninja, gunner, veteran gunner, cannon, mortar, dark mage, white mage, dark angel, white angel, golem, veteran golem, green goblin, and helicopter. I also like Eliminate Pro, that is a shooting game where you are a armored futuristic dude and you play online and shoot others who are also trying to shoot you. The game ends when the total kills add up to 20. Just because I play these games it dosen't mean im a bad person. They are just something to do when you are bored.
My seventh item is a baby bottle because I love my sister and she is a new addition to my life. She is very cute and is so small that you couldn't not love her. She is one month old and she likes have low speed wind hitting her. She also likes when you carry her. I know this because If you set her down for 10 minutes then she will start crying but once you pick her up she will stop crying. Everyone brings her toys and books. She has about 50 books and toys so she should be happy for the next few years.
My eighth item is a snowboarding certificate because I love snowboarding and is my favorite winter sport. I got this certificate during the ski trip in Switzerland. I can do lots of smaller jumps and I can go very fast. I love riding on powder and going through the trees and smaller unpopulated trails. I am great at passing over moguls and I natural jumps over man made jumps because you never know what the landing will be like and the thought of that gets my adrenaline pumping. However I always make shore the landing is safe and not just Ice or rock.
My ninth item is a puzzle box because I keep my designs and other misc. I have Lego designs and wooden cars that are cool. I also have many misc items like notes. I Bought it in Cambodia I don't think that I would ever keep those papers if I didn't put them in the puzzle box. There were lots of boxes to choose from but they were all hearts and other stuff that I wouldn't want. I picked the box is shaped like a electric guitar. The inside is small but I think it is cool and big enough.
My tenth item my arm brace. This is important to me because it reminds me about when I broke my arm. I was at Mount Kiara watching my brothers baseball game. I got bored so I went to the playground. after a while I got bored and I started jumping off the top of the slide. On the third jump, my foot got caught on the slide and I feel and landed on my arm. The pain was indescribable left me stunned in pain, rolling around. After what seemed like two minutes but was probably only 30 seconds, the pain subsided and pins and needles started to prick my arm. I stood up and had to hold up my wrist otherwise it would jar. I walked back to my the stands and I told my mum and dad that my arm hurt a lot. Then I was dipping my arm in some ice water but it still hurt more than before. I think this is because my adrenaline disappeared. so we went to Prince Court and I got X-rays. The X-ray showed a fracture and I got a cast. After 6 weeks of that I got an arm brace because my arm wasn't fully healed yet. I had to wear that for 1 month.
These are 10 items that represent my life and are important to me. As you can see I have many answered my title so if you didn't actually read this then go back up and read it. Although these represent my life, in 20 years many of these items may not be on this if I made a new one.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Why I Chose My Picture

Your life is like a car on a road. when something is going the way you want it then there will be down hill without many turns. However if something isn't going your way, you will have to go uphill and encounter many turns. some times you will have to make decisions in life and hit crossroads. As you keep driving your car will eventually run out of gas or break down. That, will be the end of your life
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
achievements of dancing

I think its good that matt gets makes people happy and dances with them but whats he doing to help the world? he spends all this money to make a dumb video when he could be helping thousands by donating that money to others. I am shore there is a reason to his videos that i am unaware of that could be helping people. Until i get a reasonable answer i dont think i will change my mind
compliments for happiness

I chose this picture because people can become very happy after getting a compliment. The goal of the complement guys is to cheer up America and if they can make people feel this good then they have completed there goal. I think that the compliment guys are the coolest guys in the world because they make people happy. I wish that some day they will achieve there goal.
The last time I got a complement was when miss whiting said that I was a genius even though I am not one. It made me feel smart and good.
The last time I got a complement was when miss whiting said that I was a genius even though I am not one. It made me feel smart and good.
The last time I gave a compliment was during the auditions for the ms musical. I told them (Robert) they were good at acting and it made him smile.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
white mountains 4
The people of the red tower accept being capped just so they can have courage and become a knight but courage is useless when your mind is controlled.
The people of the red tower think that if you get capped you are awesome and cool and stuff but they don't know that when you are capped you must obey the tripods.
The people at the red tower who are capped act like normal people so the uncapped don't know that you are not free.
Since the capped get to be knights or dukes kids unknowingly give up their freedom to become a knight or duke.
These are all opinions of what I think.
Monday, February 22, 2010
void post
The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides (scilence )an exepional educaion that challenges each student to develop the attiudes skill and knowledge and understanding to become a highly succesfull spireted social goble citticen.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
the white moutains 2
I think that beanpole will help them because he can speak french and that will help them because there in france. He is also smart so he could dissable the tripods. He might also re-invent a gun to kill the tripods. He might even make a cool weapon that smashes the tripods to dust.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
the white moutains 1
Sophie-listened well but poor body language. She often rested her head on her arms and didn't look interested. She interrupted quite a bit sometimes doodled. Otherwise she had good passages and questions.
Leo-Had good questions and was eager to share. I don't recall him interrupting anybody. He was obviously restraining bad body language and interrupting the speaker. His facial expression tells you that he is bored and would rather be somewhere else.
Sonja-Excellent body and facial expression. I think she just does it naturally. Excellent passages and questions. participated without being asked. Outstanding!
Leo-Had good questions and was eager to share. I don't recall him interrupting anybody. He was obviously restraining bad body language and interrupting the speaker. His facial expression tells you that he is bored and would rather be somewhere else.
Sonja-Excellent body and facial expression. I think she just does it naturally. Excellent passages and questions. participated without being asked. Outstanding!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2010 post
My 4 resolutions for 2010 are 1, get more friends because as friends leave you get less of them so its only common sense that you invest in more. My second resolution is to get stronger. I want to get stronger because you can fight off bully's. Lastly I want to donate money to nature, the poor, etc.
It was my first day back on the snowboard and I was so exited! I loved the smell of fresh air and chilly weather after the long airplane. As I stretched I started to look for good runs and kickers. We did a warm up run and it felt good to be back on a snowboard. We pasted much more powder than last year but it was only a warm up run so I decided to go calmly. There was so much to do and only 6 days to do it in!
It was my first day back on the snowboard and I was so exited! I loved the smell of fresh air and chilly weather after the long airplane. As I stretched I started to look for good runs and kickers. We did a warm up run and it felt good to be back on a snowboard. We pasted much more powder than last year but it was only a warm up run so I decided to go calmly. There was so much to do and only 6 days to do it in!
We went to the jump park and I found myself flying off kickers and doing grinds. The jump park is my favorite place to be because there is everything there that you need to do some wicked trick. It is also my favorite place because nobody can accuse you of being a show off because everybody there is only doing better. My favorite trick is a front side grab because it is easy and cool.
I also went on Etherolla, the hardest run on the mountain. What I loved about Etherolla was how it wasn't very icy even though it is insanely steep. I also liked that it was a long run so the fun lasted for longer. It even had its own chair lift! I didn't like how if you accidentally fell and landed on you butt (or face) you would fall down the hill until you hit something. These are my great snowboarding adventures for 2010!
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